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Limitless people know these 5 things

Limitless people know 5 things that catapult them through the glass ceiling, leaving all limiting beliefs behind.

What does it mean to be "well?"

The absence of disease is not health.

Know Your Why

Often we go through the motions of life, doing the same or similar things day after day, without questioning what is driving us to do these things. Especially, when we are getting ready to break out of the hum-drum to do something way more exciting that we are passionate about, it is ultra-important to listen to that inner voice as far as what is pulling at your spirit to accomplish. What is the why of your heart's desire?

Release the old patterns

Approximately 95 percent of what we think, feel, and do is coming straight from the vault of the unconscious mind. This means that if we are thinking, feeling, and doing the same things each day that there will be no positive change in our lives. We must clear out the junk by releasing old patterns before we can rewire for new positive neural pathways.

The way of the essentialist

Essentialism is about the active pursuit of less, but in a way that works out better. It is about trimming the fat so that we can focus on what is truly important. Essentialism not only leads to success, but a more engaged and joyful life.

Live Bravely

To live bravely means to feel comfortable in our own skin, to have the ability to set boundaries without guilt for doing so, as well as being able to be vulnerable. This means the ability to put ourselves out there without knowing what the outcome will be. Full-throttle knowing of one's own value.

Manage your life like a sports Team

Just as it takes strength of character, investment of energy, trust, and commitment to make it onto a sports team, this is also true with who we allow to be a part of our lives. We must carefully select who makes it onto our team.

Create a daily victory list

Many of us make to-do lists, and often these resemble an awfully long run-on sentence which would have our 3rd grade teachers appalled. The Victory or Win List is a great tool for anyone pursuing their dream.


It can be so much easier to take care of and be compassionate towards other people, yet when we attempt to care for ourselves we often land at a hard stop. We rationalize, making one excuse after the other for not prioritizing our own mental and physical health. We tell ourselves we do not have the time today for that 15 minute walk, lunch with a friend, or to start reading that new book. Then this day runs into the next until we find ourselves drained and sapped of all energy, as we have allowed ourselves to be run into the ground. This can lead to burn out, accompanied by a deep sense of regret and resentment for all we have given that has gone unnoticed and unappreciated.

Success is an INNER process

Success is an inner process, not something that we acquire externally. This involves making the shift from appearance to a quality-based life. Becoming successful also involves walking forward with confidence and being independent of the opinions of others.

The Importance of a Positive Stress Mindset

Say what? Stress can be a positive thing in my life? The answer is yes, it absolutely can, and making this choice to shift to a new and improved positive stress mindset can be life-changing . . . Join us this week for a short and sweet discussion on what defines a negative and positive stress mindset, as well as some simple steps to take action toward a healthier way of living and accomplishing what matters most to you . . .

Symptoms of Authenticity

The word "symptoms" is often used for describing the flu, malaria, or a variety of mental health issues. Rarely is it used to describe something wonderfully positive such as one's progress along the path to authenticity.

NPR Appearance

Dr. Kimberly Quinn joins us here at NPR to discuss the effects of the current adderall crisis on those with ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder).

Click Image to view my NPR Appearance


Today I met with Dr. Kimberly Quinn, a professor of Cognitive Psychology at Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont. Dr. Quinn teaches and speaks on topics of Positive Psychology. Today we talked about becoming a "Limitless Person," who is someone that taps into their authentic self, is true to their values, and isn't afraid to create the life for themselves that they want and deserve. Limitless people do not hold themselves back -- they "go for it" in life without shame or hesitation. To do this, they cultivate a strong sense of gratitude, compassion, and interconnectedness to the world around them. We discussed many of the key mindsets shared by Limitless People.


Dr. Kimberly Quinn discusses what anxiety really is, where it occurs in the brain, as well as a few easy techniques to calm the mind on demand. This down-to-earth and humorous delivery of a struggle so many people experience, enlightens listeners in a manner that is hopeful and motivating. This newly acquired insight will leave listeners in a better place to manage the curveballs life can throw at us.


Champlain College's guru of positive thinking, Dr. Kimberly Quinn has a lot to say about the power of positive thinking. Aside from her TEDx talks, published books and articles in Psychology Today, she's a professor at Champlain College and her self-made course, "Mindcraft: The Psychology of Optimal Human Functioning and Life Satisfaction" has a waitlist a mile long. This one's a must-hear (and SHARE). Post up your comments, questions and make certain to embrace her podcast, "Mindcraft" on YouTube and other streaming channels.


Drs. Williamson, Myers, and Quinn discuss the current mental health crisis among young adults. This timely and important conversation addresses the epidemic levels of anxiety and depression being reported by GenZ-ers, why this is happening, and what we can do to support them.


Drs. Williamson, Myers, and Quinn discuss the current mental health crisis among young adults. This timely and important conversation addresses the epidemic levels of anxiety and depression being reported by GenZ-ers, why this is happening, and what we can do to support them.

Dr. Kimberly Quinn is a contributing writer for Psychology Today, and has written over 30 articles on various topics related to proactive mind health and life satisfaction.

  • ​Worthiness as a Practice
  • ​Quietly Quitting
  • ​Become a Limitless Person
  • ​Stop Wasting Your Life-minutes Worrying
  • ​ADHD and Menopausal Madness
  • ​Gratitude Is Like a Windshield Wiper
  • ​Without Well-being Nothing Else Matters
  • ​How to Teach Kids With ADHD
  • ​Teaching Mindfulness to Children
  • ​The Core Four Traits of ADHD, Explained
  • ​The Law of Subtraction
  • ​The ADHD Owner’s Manual for Grownups
  • ​Post-Pandemic Growth: From Surviving to Thriving
  • ​The Amazing Adult ADHD Mind
  • ​The Amygdalae Apocalypse
  • ​Don’t Bike the Hook
  • ​Create a Savoring Lifestyle
  • ​iLonely
  • ​Create a Prosperity Mindset
  • ​Become the Boss of Your Brain
  • ​Pay Yourself First
  • ​What’s the Matter with Me?
  • ​Original Worthiness; Why Don’t I feel Enough?
  • ​Positively Stressed?

Click image to view my articles on Psychology today

Click image to view my articles on Psychology today

Dr. Kimberly Quinn is a contributing writer for Psychology Today, and has written over 30 articles on various topics related to proactive mind health and life satisfaction.

Key Points

  • ​Mindset involves much more than positive thinking; it is a filter for organizing incoming information.
  • Mindset brings along narratives, and these can impact one negatively or drive the motivation to improve.
  • Failure is an illusion; it is about people moving around, creating results that point us in a new direction.

A Full Moon Rising...and the Tao of Menopause

In "A Full Moon Rising . . . and the Tao of Menopause", Kimberly Quinn Smith very humorously tells the tale of entering into the new stage of mid-life, while associating hormonal moments with the lunar schedule and her symbolic metamorphosis into a menopausal werewolf. Throughout her journey she flashes back to her colorful 70's childhood, where she grew up in the eclectic town of New Paltz, New York, a small town just an hour outside of Manhattan. She then brings us back through her early motherhood years and lands us where she resides currently, with a house full of teenagers. Throughout her tale, she makes intermittent, contemplative reflections on her halfway-ness and explores strategies of how to learn to embrace the Principles of the Tao of Menopause.

Click image to view my books available in Amazon

Click image to view my books available in Amazon

Striving for the Purple Heart: Mothers in the Universal Pursuit of Honor

Striving for the Purple Heart is a book that every mother should read, whether you are a young mother, a mother of teenagers, or a mother with an empty nest trying to let go after a long and wonderful journey through motherhood. In her book, Kimberly Quinn Smith explores how mothers are "wired" and why they often feel overwhelmed, guilty, and question whether they are good enough moms. She uses heart-felt humor to convey her message that these feelings are universal to all mothers, whether they work inside the home or out, whether they are single or married, and whether their children are adopted or have special needs. She defines supermom, and offers strategies to enhance the enjoyment of motherhood.

On The Fast Track: Teens Getting Too Much Too Soon In These Rapidly Changing And Uncertain Times, And What Parents Can Do To Stay Connected

In On The Fast Track—teens getting too much too soon in these rapidly changing and uncertain times and what parents can do to stay connected, Kimberly Quinn Smith addresses the issues that teenagers are presently dealing with in relation to their world from middle school through the college years. She offers strategies to help parents understand their teens, and in a sense to grow with them. Kimberly Quinn Smith interviews current experts in the fields of gender issues, social psychology, and clinical psychology, as well as teens who are struggling with alcoholism and drug addiction, depression, social disorders, and homosexuality. She discusses the latest trend of tattoos and body piercing, as well as the theory on the new moral shades of gray or moral relativity. She discusses adolescent anger, conflict resolution, and the latest sexual epidemic sweeping our country, the friends with benefits relationship. In On The Fast Track, there is a large focus on attachment issues and the apparent emotional disconnection that appears to be so prevalent in our society today.

Click image to view my books available in Amazon


Limitless people know these 5 things

Limitless people know 5 things that catapult them through the glass ceiling, leaving all limiting beliefs behind.

What does it mean to be "well?"

The absence of disease is not health.

Know Your Why

Often we go through the motions of life, doing the same or similar things day after day, without questioning what is driving us to do these things. Especially, when we are getting ready to break out of the hum-drum to do something way more exciting that we are passionate about, it is ultra-important to listen to that inner voice as far as what is pulling at your spirit to accomplish. What is the why of your heart's desire?

Release the old patterns

Approximately 95 percent of what we think, feel, and do is coming straight from the vault of the unconscious mind. This means that if we are thinking, feeling, and doing the same things each day that there will be no positive change in our lives. We must clear out the junk by releasing old patterns before we can rewire for new positive neural pathways.

The way of the essentialist

Essentialism is about the active pursuit of less, but in a way that works out better. It is about trimming the fat so that we can focus on what is truly important. Essentialism not only leads to success, but a more engaged and joyful life.

Live Bravely

To live bravely means to feel comfortable in our own skin, to have the ability to set boundaries without guilt for doing so, as well as being able to be vulnerable. This means the ability to put ourselves out there without knowing what the outcome will be. Full-throttle knowing of one's own value.

Manage your life like a sports Team

Just as it takes strength of character, investment of energy, trust, and commitment to make it onto a sports team, this is also true with who we allow to be a part of our lives. We must carefully select who makes it onto our team.

Create a daily victory list

Many of us make to-do lists, and often these resemble an awfully long run-on sentence which would have our 3rd grade teachers appalled. The Victory or Win List is a great tool for anyone pursuing their dream.


It can be so much easier to take care of and be compassionate towards other people, yet when we attempt to care for ourselves we often land at a hard stop. We rationalize, making one excuse after the other for not prioritizing our own mental and physical health. We tell ourselves we do not have the time today for that 15 minute walk, lunch with a friend, or to start reading that new book. Then this day runs into the next until we find ourselves drained and sapped of all energy, as we have allowed ourselves to be run into the ground. This can lead to burn out, accompanied by a deep sense of regret and resentment for all we have given that has gone unnoticed and unappreciated.

Success is an INNER process

Success is an inner process, not something that we acquire externally. This involves making the shift from appearance to a quality-based life. Becoming successful also involves walking forward with confidence and being independent of the opinions of others.

The Importance of a Positive Stress Mindset

Say what? Stress can be a positive thing in my life? The answer is yes, it absolutely can, and making this choice to shift to a new and improved positive stress mindset can be life-changing . . . Join us this week for a short and sweet discussion on what defines a negative and positive stress mindset, as well as some simple steps to take action toward a healthier way of living and accomplishing what matters most to you . . .

Symptoms of Authenticity

The word "symptoms" is often used for describing the flu, malaria, or a variety of mental health issues. Rarely is it used to describe something wonderfully positive such as one's progress along the path to authenticity.

NPR Appearance

Dr. Kimberly Quinn joins us here at NPR to discuss the effects of the current adderall crisis on those with ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder).

Click Image to view my NPR Appearance


Today I met with Dr. Kimberly Quinn, a professor of Cognitive Psychology at Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont. Dr. Quinn teaches and speaks on topics of Positive Psychology. Today we talked about becoming a "Limitless Person," who is someone that taps into their authentic self, is true to their values, and isn't afraid to create the life for themselves that they want and deserve. Limitless people do not hold themselves back -- they "go for it" in life without shame or hesitation. To do this, they cultivate a strong sense of gratitude, compassion, and interconnectedness to the world around them. We discussed many of the key mindsets shared by Limitless People.


Dr. Kimberly Quinn discusses what anxiety really is, where it occurs in the brain, as well as a few easy techniques to calm the mind on demand. This down-to-earth and humorous delivery of a struggle so many people experience, enlightens listeners in a manner that is hopeful and motivating. This newly acquired insight will leave listeners in a better place to manage the curveballs life can throw at us.


Champlain College's guru of positive thinking, Dr. Kimberly Quinn has a lot to say about the power of positive thinking. Aside from her TEDx talks, published books and articles in Psychology Today, she's a professor at Champlain College and her self-made course, "Mindcraft: The Psychology of Optimal Human Functioning and Life Satisfaction" has a waitlist a mile long. This one's a must-hear (and SHARE). Post up your comments, questions and make certain to embrace her podcast, "Mindcraft" on YouTube and other streaming channels.


Drs. Williamson, Myers, and Quinn discuss the current mental health crisis among young adults. This timely and important conversation addresses the epidemic levels of anxiety and depression being reported by GenZ-ers, why this is happening, and what we can do to support them.


Drs. Williamson, Myers, and Quinn discuss the current mental health crisis among young adults. This timely and important conversation addresses the epidemic levels of anxiety and depression being reported by GenZ-ers, why this is happening, and what we can do to support them.

Dr. Kimberly Quinn is a contributing writer for Psychology Today, and has written over 30 articles on various topics related to proactive mind health and life satisfaction.

  • ​Worthiness as a Practice
  • ​Quietly Quitting
  • ​Become a Limitless Person
  • ​Stop Wasting Your Life-minutes Worrying
  • ​ADHD and Menopausal Madness
  • ​Gratitude Is Like a Windshield Wiper
  • ​Without Well-being Nothing Else Matters
  • ​How to Teach Kids With ADHD
  • ​Teaching Mindfulness to Children
  • ​The Core Four Traits of ADHD, Explained
  • ​The Law of Subtraction
  • ​The ADHD Owner’s Manual for Grownups
  • ​Post-Pandemic Growth: From Surviving to Thriving
  • ​The Amazing Adult ADHD Mind
  • ​The Amygdalae Apocalypse
  • ​Don’t Bike the Hook
  • ​Create a Savoring Lifestyle
  • ​iLonely
  • ​Create a Prosperity Mindset
  • ​Become the Boss of Your Brain
  • ​Pay Yourself First
  • ​What’s the Matter with Me?
  • ​Original Worthiness; Why Don’t I feel Enough?
  • ​Positively Stressed?

Click image to view my articles on Psychology today

Dr. Kimberly Quinn is a contributing writer for Psychology Today, and has written over 30 articles on various topics related to proactive mind health and life satisfaction.

Key Points

  • ​Mindset involves much more than positive thinking; it is a filter for organizing incoming information.
  • Mindset brings along narratives, and these can impact one negatively or drive the motivation to improve.
  • Failure is an illusion; it is about people moving around, creating results that point us in a new direction.

Click image to view my articles on Psychology today

A Full Moon Rising...and the Tao of Menopause

In "A Full Moon Rising . . . and the Tao of Menopause", Kimberly Quinn Smith very humorously tells the tale of entering into the new stage of mid-life, while associating hormonal moments with the lunar schedule and her symbolic metamorphosis into a menopausal werewolf. Throughout her journey she flashes back to her colorful 70's childhood, where she grew up in the eclectic town of New Paltz, New York, a small town just an hour outside of Manhattan. She then brings us back through her early motherhood years and lands us where she resides currently, with a house full of teenagers. Throughout her tale, she makes intermittent, contemplative reflections on her halfway-ness and explores strategies of how to learn to embrace the Principles of the Tao of Menopause.

Click image to view my books available in Amazon

Striving for the Purple Heart: Mothers in the Universal Pursuit of Honor

Striving for the Purple Heart is a book that every mother should read, whether you are a young mother, a mother of teenagers, or a mother with an empty nest trying to let go after a long and wonderful journey through motherhood. In her book, Kimberly Quinn Smith explores how mothers are "wired" and why they often feel overwhelmed, guilty, and question whether they are good enough moms. She uses heart-felt humor to convey her message that these feelings are universal to all mothers, whether they work inside the home or out, whether they are single or married, and whether their children are adopted or have special needs. She defines supermom, and offers strategies to enhance the enjoyment of motherhood.

Click image to view my books available in Amazon

On The Fast Track: Teens Getting Too Much Too Soon In These Rapidly Changing And Uncertain Times, And What Parents Can Do To Stay Connected

In On The Fast Track—teens getting too much too soon in these rapidly changing and uncertain times and what parents can do to stay connected, Kimberly Quinn Smith addresses the issues that teenagers are presently dealing with in relation to their world from middle school through the college years. She offers strategies to help parents understand their teens, and in a sense to grow with them. Kimberly Quinn Smith interviews current experts in the fields of gender issues, social psychology, and clinical psychology, as well as teens who are struggling with alcoholism and drug addiction, depression, social disorders, and homosexuality. She discusses the latest trend of tattoos and body piercing, as well as the theory on the new moral shades of gray or moral relativity. She discusses adolescent anger, conflict resolution, and the latest sexual epidemic sweeping our country, the friends with benefits relationship. In On The Fast Track, there is a large focus on attachment issues and the apparent emotional disconnection that appears to be so prevalent in our society today.

Click image to view my books available in Amazon

Abundance is not something we acquire. It’s something we tune into.

~Wayne Dyer

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The Mindcraft University newsletter is just enough to kick off your week on a positive note! It includes a brief article, a mindfulness quote, a simple pleasure for the week, as well as two new Mindcraft podcast episodes.

**The Mindcraft courses and workshops are not meant to take the place of professional treatment.

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